Friday 6 September 2019

Crash landing in an alien planet!

Read the following story prompt and describe the new planet you landed and the people around you. Please mention what will be your plan of action to escape from that place. Deadline to submit your post is 13th September 2019

As part of Mars programme, you have been selected to represent your country to a trip to Mars. You are so excited to go to Mars and you undergo stringent training with so much enthusiasm. Your space mission starts on time and you have 12 people with you in this mission. Five are the crew and the rest 7 are the people from different countries selected like you. The seven of you are from different age groups ranging from 17 - 45. Due to unexpected problem in the cryogenic fuel, 7 of you are put in a separate pods in case of any explosion. The pods are supposed to act like a life boat and can fly for long hours. But there is an unexpected explosion and your pod gets ejected from the mother rocket. You crash land in an unheard planet. You come out of the pod without any major injury. You have no clue about others or other pods. The place outside is not earth and there is no gravitational force, so you are floating above the ground level. The ground is brownish in colour. You also see some alien fro but you see some aliens.  Describe how the planet looks and the people in it. What will you do now in this alien planet? How will you escape to earth. The radio is still alive in your pod. 


  1. The surface of this planet appears reddish brown in color because of rusty dust in the atmosphere.Other surfaces are look like brown and depending on minerals.In our crew ,we are 7 members from different countries.We don't know about this alien planet.we don't know how to manage this planet.Human survival on this planet would require living in artificial life-support systems. Main aspect of this would be water processing systems.Mainly of water, a human would die in a matter of days without it.Atmosphere is the layer of gas surrounding this planet.It also contains trace levels of water vapor, oxygen , hydrogen and other noble gases.we want to escape from this planet using our pods. Ground and space telescope missions plan to further explore. Heavy metals were seen escaping from this planet.Using these techniques we try to escape otherwise we want to escape using Air Balloons like Night crossing...we must try to take our radio..

  2. I'm writing this like I'm writing a journal about the condition I am in and the stuff I see and feel which later I'll be sending it to the mother station.

    Day 1.
    Location: Unknown.
    Time: Unknown.

    I'm logging in as Aasilva Code:MMP5001

    So... I have landed here quite decently. Seems like this planet has not much gravity. Thanks to the training. I don't have much food to survive though. I'm stuck here in some brownish looking planet. Surprisingly I could breathe here. I think I can go on with what I have for like 2 weeks. I have already sent a signal to the station via the radio in my pod. Let me go around the places as much as I could to collect some data as this planet could actually be inhabited by humans. Unsure tho.

    Day 6.

    Ah I have finally received a message from the station. Seems like they are sending me a rescue.
    So.. About the planet, I can see the landforms suitable for the human existence. There is life form.

    Day 11

    I have been surviving by eating the weird looking fruit like thingys for almost a day now... I'm still alive so I don't think this is gonna kill me lol.
    I wonder if there are any beings like humans as can see traces of abandoned farm lands.

    Day 14

    Omg...Omg... Oh my sweet god!
    I have reached this big tree like thing and look what I've found. Aliens! Well... technically I'm the alien for them hehe... But I wonder if they're friendly enough to accept me in. Hmm... Those people look much evolved though. They're having four fingers and weird shaped face. Their skin is blue too. Reminds me of Pandora and it's Navii from Avatar.

    Day 15

    Yes! I have received the message from the station. They'll be here in 3 days.
    Mentioning the day, I'd say it's almost as same as the earth. It's just that a few more hours longer.
    Ah I'm no genius in calculating stuff. I'm lost.

    Day 16

    So I've made friends though we don't speak the same language. Sign language is indeed helpful I'd say.
    They gave me a different fruit to eat tho. It tasted like Apple.

    Day 17

    I don't wanna go back T-T
    They're so nice but the station is gonna be here by tomorrow.

    Day 18

    Yare yare daze. My ship is here. Time to say good bye. This is my final short note. Sadly I didn't document much. But I think humans are gonna come back here for stuff. Wish I could visit this place again.
    Oh as a souvenir, this alien dude, Jojo (I named him so because he's been using 'jojo' more as he spoke) gave me this stone.
    Nice people T-T I'm gonna miss them. Waaahhnn I don't wanna go back.

    **Sorry for the typos**

    1. Interesting and made me get into a dramatic world of aliens.

  3. good job. it was interesting...

  4. Im finally gonna get out of such a disaster. landing in a
    unknown planet makes me breathless.

    Not sure about the sort of planet i have landed on . Ihave only 3 people alive with me now . Hoping for survival to get back to my motherland missing it soo much and at the same time excited about this planet .
    Omg! these creepy sounds in this planet ,"where do they come from?" makes me mad and fearful. Finally we got a nice place to hide behind these bushy like things. The creatures on this planet seems more terrible than centipedes leaning all over the rocky ground. lot of buildings in the next avenue we walk into. Seems to be a developed planet. Suddenly heard a big noise towards a opposite building. Makes me breathless ,"what am I seeing now?
    omg! aliens for sure but me trying to believe my own eyes is difficult. Most likely appearing as humans ,every single alien appears to be no less than 6 feet and three big fingers in each leg, quite annoying to look at them NO eyebrows and eyelids walKing similar to a robot . They seem to speak a different language and me not able to understand a single word makes me crazy enough. Informed the authourities through the live radio in the pod . This planet seems though how as if our earth would be in 3000's .We crept in through a building. Not sure if it is an offense. Every object here floats and aliens here float without gravity in their vehicle type riders. amazing to see. what did a man who came with me do now? he stepped on to a switch . Suddenly a red alert , escaping from here is too difficult but we somehow managed to run and save our lives and went to the place where we left our pod. It seems though our authority had come for our rescue . Got into our pod and hitted up our fuel and returned back to our motherland, such a wonderful experience. enjoyed a lot!!

  5. I have safely landed on this planet my pod has damaged up to 80% i am not able to see anyone or anything till the reach of my sight .It's black all around I'm floating on this brownish surface its been a 18hrs sending of signal to the station i didnt get any reply from them. I am holding this pod for more than 18hrs so that I won't fly anywhere and get lost from the pod i feel so tired i am not able to feel my right hand because of holding this for such a long hour I need some sleep i am going to tie my hand to the pod so that I won't be floating anywhere like a lost balloon. "Ting ting" (radio beeps) Opened it finally got message from the station (we have spotted your location we wil rescue you before 250 hrs from now or ASAP ) Yeaahhhh! Finally i am going go back to my home wait no!!! I have to spend more 10 on this planet .

    Day 2
    I am out of food and water i am going search of it its easy to move here than the earth its fun but at the same time this place is more threatening. I have found a cave here its been coloured green. I am going there to check if there is anything to keep me alive for the next few days. This cave is from beautiful from inside finally i can see some fruits and water i am filling everything in my bag and have to hide some where to escape from the people living here ."Ring Ring" security alarm i have to run from here someone is approaching from up stairs i have to run or else they will kill me i used by balance fuel to get back to my pod.

    Day 5

    I have been hiding for almost 3 days i also have left my marks here and there my oxygen is going to get over oh my god i am going to die (I fell down and was unconscious for few hours) I am being tied in a chair in this cave there are 4 people here but they don't resemble like humans they look tall and they have tied a device on my mouth it looks like a translator. They thought that humans are going to invade them i made them understand that my pod crashed here and I have called for a rescue and they are coming here.They said me that I can stay here till they arrive by they don't want them to know that they are here.

    Day 7

    I am here safe in this cave they are ging me enough oxygen and food to survive they are more developed than the people here they use flying skateboard to move around its difficult to control it it moves in a speed of more than 200km/hr. I was sharing my experience of travelling from earth and landing here and I said them about my colleagues they helped me to locate them using their device they also repaired my pod but they didn't want to send any signal from here so that the other world would come to know about them. They said me that he will drop me and the pod at the place of crash at the day of rescue .

    Day 10 ( Rescue day )

    I had a wonderful experience here that would never come in my life i gave them watch as of my rememberence they dropped me where I crash landed the pod .Finally i could see the space shipof humans i was so happy that i am going back to home i thought I would never return to earth .

  6. I came out of the pod without any major injuries and with a mild concussion....There is only a little water and food left....the gravitational force is very less and it is tough to move around....there are aliens on the ground they look like the ones in the movie E.T .....I don't think they are dangerous they socialize just like humans but I am pretty scares to get out in there....but I am going to go there no matter what cause I don't think I'm gonna live for a long time .....

    Ok I am getting out of my pod and going towards the land it's brownish and it smells like rainy mud.....I'm going down......ok now I have reached the land and I don't think it's a good idea .....alrighty let's see what's gonna happen either they kill me and have me for dinner or we're gonna become friends....I really hope the second option works......alien and human- friends......ok I'm see an alien walking before me but he hasn't noticed me yet.....oh no...he noticed me and he is coming straight at me........I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do....shit......ok I'm gonna close my eyes or no wait I'm gonna be brave and see what's gonna happen......he is here and he is touching my suit and I think they are not dangerous ....I think he is my age....we are connecting hard....alright.....guys this is unbelievable these alien guys are really friendly.....and they also understand signs....this is great....

    Today is the day the other astronauts me the rescue operation and I'm not sure how they'll react once they see these aliens omg what am I gonna am I supposed to tell them these guys are friendly.....

    The other astronauts are here and I'm gonna tell them about the aliens and hope they understand.......

    Omg I talked to them on the radio and they understood I hope they make the living on Mars thing real so I can see these alien guys again ....oh I'm gonna miss these guys.....

    We are returning to earth and this is day 4 after the crash......these 4 days were unbelievable omg I am the first person to meet and socialize with aliens this is like a dream......

    I hope we return to mars again....

  7. I have landed in a planet when my pods crash the planet was brown reddish in color, there is no gravitation so I was floating then I saw some creaches around me they saw me as a food for them I got feared a started floating fast and moving they didn't stop chasing me , then suddenly a big noise I heard from the space , that was the planet's aliens they started fighting with the creaches and everything ran of and the aliens came near to me and I was very scared that they also eat me then they asked who are u ? , I said my name is banner I was from earth our pots was crash and our team was fully down. Then they asked we wheather ur hungry I was shocked with their attitude thn I said yes they bought a heavy and different types of food which I never tasted in my life I enjoyed lots and lots and they danced for me and sang a song which I cant understand anything , then suddenly the aliens head said to me that ur pots radio is still working shall we connect to earth to go home and we connect to the headquarters and they sented a new craft for me then I introduced the aliens to the person who came to rescue me and we said goodbye and you all gave me a wonderful memories that I wont forget till my end...then we came to earth safely

    I thought next when I go to Mars I definitely visit this alien planet to visit my friends....

  8. Arghhh! My hand is bleeding .my pod got hit on something. (Coming out of the pod) awww!Am I in a dream god? Found a new planet with zero gravity.If I say this even the crew along me wouldn't believe it.(Informing my crew)
    Hello!this is Ronaldo here.
    My pod got crash landed somewhere in a unknown would be good if u trace my location and send a rescue team here!
    (Me thinking)
    Really I have no idea how many days would I be stuck over here
    But my brain is really excited to check over the things over here.The planet outside looks like a rocky pathway with dust covered all over . suddenly I feel like someone grabbing my leg suddenly ....ouch! A sudden light streak crossed over..looks like I'm into a world of darkness now
    Looks like I got stuck in some weirdy stuff like a mirror planet
    But it seems to be haunted.
    (Hearing a noise beside me)
    UFO like object landing over a small open yard..I see aliens coming out there darkish red in colour arrogant in their way of behaviour ..and suddenly they Disappeared too... I tried walking into their space stuff. Suddenly astonished coz there was gravity
    Inside their space vehicle.. wondered if they had more knowledge then humans.. the whole technology inside the vehicle was advanced ..and waitI...I found something weird.. they know that I'm in . They have every facility to locate someone who is inside their plan et and me trying to invade their space vehicle and got stuck here..finally found some first aid to arrest my bleeding and escaped from it as fast as I could through the same path I came Before.. what if they had caught me red handed can't even think of it.. thank God I'm safe now
    And got my journal ready which you were reading now!

  9. Argh! My heading is pounding and my body feels so light like a kite flying across the sky. I slowly lift up my eyes to look up to see white ceiling, I tried to move my arms but I couldn't just then realisation struck me *remembers about the mars mission and crashed pod*. I panicked and moved my arms and legs frantically but they were restrained by some strange looking devices. Few hours passes I'm still floating and screaming. Suddenly I hear a sound heavy door screeching and girl wearing a lab coat enters the room I'm being held. She gasps seeing me and ran out of the room, she came back with a few more people. They all looked so different, each one was a skin colour like green and pink and they had antenna like structures on their head. There was a glass separating us and they were all staring at me like I was a piece of meat hanging in from of them. They started speaking in a alien language and the girl who entered the room first was staring at me strangely. They all left the room after a while but the girl stayed behind. She opened the glass that separated us and came closer. She actually looked so beautiful up close, her beautiful amber eyes made me lose my breathe. She started moving her hands in front of my face I was so mesmerized in her eyes that I didn't notice her talking. She said that the her people weren't very fond of the earthers and they were planning to kill me. She pressed some buttons that released my restraints and gave me a pair of shoes so I would be able to walk. She took me along the halls and told me that she had plan for me escape the planet. She told me that she would take me to her pod and with that I can escape the planet. Just when we were nearing the place some guards noticed and we started running. They started shooting us with with their laser guns, we dogged them ran to the pod. As we reached the pod she urged me to climb the pod but there was a bit of hesitation in my heart. She was yelling that the guards are nearing and that I have leave soon. I noticed the guards nearing us from the corner of my eye and immediately I took her hands and boarded the pod with her. We together escaped the planet defeating all the guards. The pod remained dead silent untill she broke the silence. She asked me why I brought her along and I replied that I feel for her the moment I looked her in the eyes. I asked her why she didn't refuse when I took I hand to which she replied that while I was unconscious she was the one who took care of me and during that time she developed a feeling towards me and that's why she didn't refuse when I took her hand. Together we returned to earth holding hands and smiling.

  10. It seemed like yesterday we were at our first day of space cadet training, but only to realize that 5 years had passed, and we were launched into deep space like a sling shot on board the Haven a space craft designed to run on nuclear energy for really long distances and provide an efficient journey without harm to the passengers on board. The seven of us had bonded and become close friends but it didn’t last very long after the launch…About 5 months into our cruise to colonize mars the Haven had taken some serious damage from nearby asteroid debris and the nuclear cryostasis chamber got damaged as well… and so we were sent to our cryopods for safety incase of sudden damage to the main hull. These cryopods were designed to preserve the body alive for long periods of time and to travel to any near by planets and land safely. A huge explosion took place in the middle of deep space and our pods got ejected to land safely on some near by planet and wait for any form of rescue to arrive. My pod somehow blew out further away from mars and was slowly drifting away from the catastrophe. The pressure variation knocked me out and allowed the cryopod to do its thing and preserve my body until safe landing. Suddenly I wake up from what felt like a good nights rest to my windshield covered in some thick brownish dust through which a glimmer of sun flare passed through, after some how managing to find a way to get out of the pod I looked around to find myself land in what I presumed to be a barren desert on earth… but the gravitational pull seemed different, it felt lighter. On exiting the pod, I found out that this must be some different planet as I found my self floating a good 5 feet off the ground… I pulled myself to the ground and went ahead to check on the ship, luckily it didn’t take too much damage, I also took a status check on my suit as well and found a rip in the suit, after a brief moment of shock from the incident I realized that the planets air is breathable and went on to remove my space suit and took in a deep breath of what seemed like fresh oxygen. I circled around the ship to check on the comms and found that it remained intact and wasn’t damaged on landing, so I went ahead and sent a message to mission control and to the Haven to let them know about my status on this unknown planet. After sending the message I looked around to see if anything seems out of the usual, while gazing through I found a faint shadow like being in the distance… upon further inspection I began to realize that it was an alien creature… in fear I jumped back into the pod and closed the hatch stayed calm so as to not arouse any attention. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer and once they got close enough, they stopped, they began conversing in ENGLISH… I was shocked upon hearing this… They were saying something about “this must be another one of those humans’ trash… we must take it to the examination center to see what we can learn from this one”. I jumped out of the pod and said, “I’m human, I’ll tell you what ever you want to know!!!”. I was shocked to see these aliens looked a lot like humans, the aliens said, “wow the humans look a lot like us” the other one said, “but where are our manners, hi I’m Xarvon and he’s Raygar and welcome to Jupiter, most consider this planet to be a gaseous one but it actually isn’t, your research of this planet is very wrong, we actually have a habitable layer beneath that gaseous mass. This spot always receives pretty decent sunlight so as to allow plants to vegetate and allow oxygen to be created. So to which I said, “but wait, I needed to know one thing, how come you know English?” to which they said, “well a few of your previous satellites have already crashed on our planet and so we took it upon our selves to understand its origins and the language of the planet from which it is from”. ~TO BE CONTINUED~

    1. ~CONTINUED~ So I asked them if there was some way I could probably fix up my ship and reach earth to which they responded by taking me to their city which was way more advanced than what we have on earth with tall sky scrapers and flying cars… I asked them “did you learn all this from our damaged satellites” to which they replied “ahhhh… we’ll no we were always like this and we always felt that we were the only beings in this universe until we received one of your old satellites, on further research on the device we understood that it was of a different race of species, so we began to dig deeper and tried to understand the purpose of these beings, only to realize that the only thing that they brought upon themselves is destruction of their own planet, to escape from this truth they send out these satellites to find other habitable planets to destroy”, it was at that moment when I realized why they never showed themselves out, so their planet would not share the same fate as ours. But the Jupitarians were kind enough to fix up my ship and send me back to earth, but they made me swear a sacred oath, never to say a word about life on Jupiter. Now on arrival back on earth around 1 year after the launch they began questioning me about how I survived the crash where no one else did and which planet did I crash on. To which I answered, “I was unconscious the whole time other than the time I was able to send that message and able to readjust the coordinates to head back to earth… and well… here I am”. I could have told them the truth but, I felt that they too need not end up like that.

  11. Day 1
    I lost my ships control and some what I landed at a planet wich was brown in colour and I was afraid of seeing some creatures see my ship with fear I got down the ship and I was surprised to see the aliens speaking to me in English after that they took me to their place and showed thier living

    Day 2
    In the second day they explained the culture and their works it was really embarrassing to hear their culture and practice it was soo amazing and I was given some oxygen tins after some time i told them iam gng to my ship to take some materials but they restricted it by saying it is in service and they took from there to another place and i got some dought in them and came to know that they captured me as a slave and I tried to contact my earth station but it was tough to use becos they were alwys with me my fear increased a lot

    Day 3
    This day u was more careful about them and noticed the soldiers around the ship and noticed the timing of the shift changing and informed to the earth station to help and with speed and fear I ran to my ship without any sound and sent the msg to cntrl the ship from earth and I escaped from the planet and the aliens but I found that they was following me at particular distance and returned . .. However I escaped and thanked God for the rescue

  12. My first reaction when I gained consciousness , oh my god! Ok I’m still alive then I came out of my pod. I was landed on a planet which is not earth for sure, obviously there was no gravitational force so I was floating like an air filled balloon. After that crash there was only a small quantity of food and water left out ,with that I can only survive few days. So out of choice I had to explore the planet to survive. I Sent my location to the station and asked for rescue then left my pod.
    The first thing I saw was its brownish color ground.It looked like a fantasy world (hogwards)
    As earth ground is also brownish It gave me a little hope that I could find someone to help me or something to eat.
    I saw an alien, It came near me and said me something. Neither I nor it understood nothing so I used sign language to convey that I was hungry.
    It understood that I didn’t belong to their planet though it helped by taking me to the place where they live. it gave me a fruit kinda thing to eat.everyone over there addressed the alien with name bujoe. bujoe was so kind and caring to me. It was so scary to see everyone there as their skin color was blue,green etc and it was weird too.
    The only thing which was comforting me there was bujoe. Bujoe helped me to move from one place to another without struggling. bujoe took me to different places where he used to go daily. within a short period of time we because close friends. Because of him I lost my fear and started to enjoy the time with him. As it is one time life offer to explore such kind of planet and people.
    After few days the rescue team came to help me and I had leave bujoe and go to my planet. the irony is first I was scared to talk to bujoe but now I am scared of losing him. Then I thanked him for all he did for me. I gave him my ring to remember me and he gave me a doll kinda thing made of some blue metal which is precious in their planet. We said goodbye to each other. I left from there with the rescue team.

  13. After a unexpected disaster I am come out from a pod without any injuries out of 6 members there is no one is there with me to survive I didn't have any idea to escape from this planet it's seems like redish brown colour soil sand I think there is some specious living in this planet. Thinking my way I search around me to find anyone come with me from earth there is no one there I floating like a balloon floating in the air. There is some good sound heared by my hear like"kuba kuba" I shocked and getting into my pod with fear behind the pod I saw the potato shaded yellow coloured living thing that is minion 😱 OMG! Minion is a real thing living in this planet I get wondered also shocked they two speak in its own language I can't understand it but my hungry is understand by them he give me a nicobuls from diary products after that I held request to get escape from this planet I found the instruction panel finded the manual learn to how to communicate to earth with the wotrking radio by the help of group members I get the fuel from the planet the planet name that minions living is Pluto.after that by the help of minions they make a rocket to escape from the planet but that is so hard to leave from the planet from favourite cartoon minion

  14. We were off to a good start.It was a week and a half into the journey and we were just getting adjusted to our new routine ,that is when the unexpected happened.The last thing i remember is going to bed after dinner ,there was this loud sound ,the emergency alarm rings,the spaceship is shaking really bad ,i try standing up but hit my head and fall.
    Beeeeeep.ouch... oh god,my head hurts so bad and of course my nose is also bleeding .I try getting up but fail I'm too tired and weak.The air bag has saved my life .Thanks to the engineer.I finally find the strength and jump out of my pod.I land on the ground but start floating in the air.I hurriedly grab the pod and steady myself.I notice that this is not the planet we set journey for.It looks different.Its brownish in colour and has no greenery around.Wait a second.Where is the spaceship??Where are the others??Am i the only person here??OH MY GOD .What the hell happened ?I look around and realize that only my pod is here.The fuel in my pod is leaking.I am totally confused ,really tensed and now here comes the tears.I start crying and that does not stop for the next 2 hours.I start to think of my family ,friends and my country who have so much of hope on me.I start to think of all the good times we had.I come to peace with the fact that i am going to die,die alone..
    After hours of crying and over thinking i realize that i haven't even tried to save myself from the situation.I look around for something which would help.There is the emergency box.I rush the box and dig for something useful.I find some cracker biscuits ,water bottles ,first aid kit,rope,camera,knife etc.Firstly I take the first aid kit ,clean my wounds and treat them.Secondly,i eat . the biscuits available will last exactly for the next 4 days.So,i have to find a solution by then.I sit and think that is when i remember the fuel situation .I come up with a temporary solution.I grab some bottles and some tape ,somehow attach them .That when i see the radio.The radio that connects to the main station , the spaceship and my pod .I find some signal so i immediately record an emergency message in the radio .By the time i finish recording the signal is lost.I move around my pod trying to find signal but fail.There is a very slight possibility that there might be some signal outside.After long thought i decide to go outside my pod.I take the rope,its long enough and tie myself to the pod as a tether so that i don't float away.After gathering some courage I start my journey around.
    The place does not look very appealing ,its really dull and lifeless.Surprisingly, i can breathe in here.Its really difficult but yeah i can breathe.I float around trying to find signals.No use .As i wander around i can see some similarity to this planet and a dessert.I record my day to day activities in the camera.There is no movement around ,no alien creature what so ever.I come back to the pod tired and exhausted .I have some snacks and sleep.
    I have been doing the same process all over again for the past 6 days.I haven't eaten in 2 days ,all my food was over 2 days ago .The radio has no signal and i lost all my hope of survival.With a lot of courage i start my journey for the day.As usual i float around trying to find signals and ......i faint.

    2 months later.
    I wake up.I'm in the mother spaceship returning home,our earth.I inquire about what happened.The message i recorded was received the minute i recorded it.The signal was lost after that.When the arrived i was unconscious and floating around .They identified the planet as KY-87874 which is actually a moon of the mars.My videos were retrieved about the new planet/moon and sent to the space station.Our expedition was not successful but its not everyday that people get stuck on an unknown planet.
    Thank you.

  15. Ooh! my hands the are paining.I should get out and see how much i am off to the earth but it's very dark inside the pod.{"beep beep" sound from the radio} Ah,this is a worse crash i ever known,the major mechanism are damaged in the pod.
    Finally,I am floating but where am i now, this place is unfamiliar to me. let me check whether any one live here.This place is so silent and the land is gloomy
    OMG! i can't find any trace of existence on this brown planet.
    {"pod7 are you there,can u hear please tell us where u r pod7 pod7..! " from the radio} [I can hear some sound all of a sudden i think it is from the radio] [ speaking to myself]. yes,what i thought was correct, "Pod7,reporting crashing on a planet which has abundance of silence .There is no people living in this planet, this planet looks unfamiliar please help me get out of this planet"
    "Pod7 we received your message,we had tracked your location"
    "finally i am leaving this planet and returning towards the earth "

  16. Okay first when I landed there I don't know what planet was that, I saw people who look like human but they look so young and beautiful than humans , first I tried to talk to them in different signs using my hands, like what place is this?, but guess what they can understand any language, then I realized they have super powers like reading our mind and they helped me with my needs, then I met this special person who explained to me about this entire planet, he also said that they will visit earth but no one can find, the will travel to earth by comet once in 300years, he was very caring to me, they are more kind and loving than humans,now I love this place so I'm staying here forever with him, bye bye earth.
